1 頁 (共 1 頁)


發表於 : 2024-07-30, 15:05
Hi 大家好,我是炙陽國際顧問的 Melanie(Sonny 老師的同事),今天想根據自己的實務經驗,來回覆大人學一位同學的提問。

Q: 不好意思想問一下,如果想要接案,英文能力是不是很重要?我是一名平面設計師,近期離開公司想嘗試自己接案,但是我的英文能力有限(多益綠色證書[470-725]),發展是不是會很受限?


It is great to hear that you would like to try something new! Before looking into your language skills, it will help to ask yourself the following questions:
  • What kind of clients am I looking for?
  • Are they based locally/domestically or internationally?
  • How do I feel about my current English language skills?
Proficiency in more than one language is highly advantageous to widening one’s potential client base. After all, the goal is to find opportunities to work with a variety of clients on a consistent basis, right?

Say you do want to work with clients whose native language or main communicative language is English. The first step would be to write an English version of your resume and CV.  If you do not know where to start, finding and comparing examples online can be a great resource. Also consider setting up an English LinkedIn profile, which will allow recruiters to come across your services and reach out to you.

 Next, assess if you feel proficient and comfortable enough to handle business-related communication. This could include formally pitching yourself and your services, your rates and conditions, and negotiating or clarifying the terms of a case. It is also crucial to thoroughly understand what the client is communicating as well, not only to ensure that a case goes smoothly, but also to protect yourself from unfair treatment or exploitation. 

These days, the translation quality of ChatGPT 4o can get a person pretty far, especially for simpler forms of communication; however, it is not always foolproof. Aside from utilizing this, online resources, and your own language skills, consider finding an expert editor or translator to double-check your English, especially your resume, CV, and/or LinkedIn account.  

Finally, consider finding ways to actively improve your English in general, whether it be by taking group or individual classes, reading books and listening to music, or finding opportunities to speak or write. Though it may take time, consistent efforts will pay off in the long run. Good luck!
  • 我想尋找什麼樣的客戶?
  • 是本地還是國外客戶?
  • 我對自己的英語能力有什麽看法?有自信嗎?還是會感到焦慮?



如今,ChatGPT 4o的翻譯品質可以讓人應對許多簡單的溝通形式;但這並非萬無一失。除了利用此一工具、網路上的資源和你自己的語言技能外,你也可以考慮找一位資深編輯或譯者來檢查你的英文寫作,特別是你的履歷或LinkedIn帳戶。
