2. Delegate Tasks Based on Crafting Goals
Break your crafting goals into smaller tasks and delegate each part to the appropriate retainer. For example:
Gathering Materials: If you're gathering materials that are in high demand, stock up your retainers with HQ or rare materials and list them on the Market Board.
Crafting Goods: If you’re crafting specific items, ensure your retainers are stocked with finished goods like armor, weapons, or furniture. Make sure that the crafting process is streamlined, and your retainers can handle inventory once the goods are finished.
Consumables: If your project involves crafting consumables like food, potions, or elixirs, make sure to Final Fantasy XIV Gil list them on a separate retainer to Final Fantasy XIV Gil for sale avoid crowding your other inventory with too many diverse items.
By dividing responsibilities between your retainers, you ensure that each one is specialized for a specific role, helping you focus on crafting without worrying about the logistics of sales.